
Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Aquarius Constellation

                                                           Aquarius Constellation

Aquarius is the 11th astrological sign in the Zodiac. The sign is an air sign, the sign is usually born in between February and January.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Vocabulary Study

 This study helped us understand words that helped us to get clues for a crossword puzzle and extended our vocabulary.

Vocabulary Study/Crossword

  1. Write the meanings for these ‘Across’ words.

reorder -get another supply

hippo -  A animal

knead - squash up with your hands

profile - short biographical sketch

uncut - Not cut

townhouse -  House in town

fad -trend

potpourri - dried flowers that are scented

worried - concerned

mania - frenzy

dwarfed - made smaller

Find the meanings for these ‘Down’ words.

cradle - hold in arms

spirited - headstrong

trader - a merchant who sells things

endear - like

frumpy - fat and lumpy

monkfish - a sea fish 

outstrip - beat

yogi - a Hindu guy

wedded - married

cool - unruffled

arms - part of the body

The Lion & butterfly

 We have been studying fables and writing our own version of one of them. Then we made a ripped paper collage to illustrate our story. Hope you enjoy my fable.

A lion came upon a butterfly straying from the garden and didn't want to take the life of such a helpless

creature without a good excuse.

So the lion said, “You are the butterfly who insulted me last year.”

“I couldn’t have, for I wasn't even born then,” said the butterfly.

 Well said the lion,  “You eat from my jungle.” 

“That cannot be replied to by the butterfly,  for I have never yet tasted meat.” 

“You drink from my river, then!” continued the lion.

“I have not been eating anything but my mother’s nectar.” 

“Well,  anyhow,” said the lion, “I'm not going without my dinner!”

 and he sprang upon the butterfly and swallowed it without  another word!