The Treaty
The Treaty was neglected early on after signing. It got water damage, rats gnawed it and it almost burnt in a fire.
The Maori population in the 1830s was reduced to 70-80000 because of disease and wars brought about by the British settlers. The main settlement was Russell and the missionaries and Rangitira didn't like the rough sailors who were always partying and fighting. They abused young Maori women and were often drunk.
Edward Gibbon Wakefield wanted to buy cheap land from Maori and sell to rich Englishmen, then bring out workers from the UK.
The united tribes of NZ was set up to keep the French out of governing NZ. A man called Hobson came to help the Maori get a fair deal and agree to signing the Treaty.
Tino Rangitiratanga refers to authority of the chiefs, but in the English translation, this was given to the crown (Queen).
Great that you've blogged this aspect of your work!:-) A good overview of that part of NZ history.